Best Online Casinos
If in life we are all inclined to make many different choices and actions depending on the situation, the fact remains that these are most of the time always decided by our personal motivations. And that’s exactly what happens when we frequent gambling establishments like casinos, whether they are the top betting sites or land-based, we all have different motivations for playing. This article concerns the behaviour and especially the motivations of the main players. We note, for example, that people who visit a land-based casino for the very first time will tend to choose to test their luck at slot machines. It is a wise choice, but also logical, because, unlike other casino games such as blackjack, baccarat or even poker.
The traditional casino player uses establishments that present high levels of comfort, in search of his own well-being. One of the fundamental factors to achieve this is consumption, both in bets and in food, drink or entertainment, so customer service actions are very important. Additionally, this type of player seeks the interaction of other players or casino staff. They can be classified into casual players who usually go with a group of friends; those who need a social escape; and the gambler, who concentrates on the intellectual activity of the game, as well as the excitement so they tend to accept more risks. The age of traditional casino players ranges from 35 to 45 years.
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Now, the online player is very different from the traditional one simply because there are many types of online casino players, from the occasional to the expert bettor who is registered in 10 different platforms, which is why their profile is different from the traditional one. First of all, the average age of players declines on online platforms, from 25 years to 46 years.
Online players also seek a dispersion of reality and have fun, but they benefit from the comfort of the online medium, and from the multiplicity of game options presented on the net to achieve it, so they do not get stuck in a favourite medium, instead, they play each of the options, or make combinations of the offered game; like roulette, online blackjack, poker, etc.
Also being the fastest form of online gaming, since there is no waiting time, the duration of the game could be multiplied. When playing in traditional casinos, except in special cases, visits are usually counted given the distance between the casinos and the residence. That limit is removed in the case of Internet gambling. Also, online bets tend to be lower, since unlike the traditional casino, the platforms allow you to start the game with small amounts, although they also allow you to place high bets so it will please even the highest bettors. Another difference is casino promotions: most operators will offer a sign up bonus or other forms of no deposit bonuses upon arrival to their platforms. This practise is so widespread among online operators that sites such as and have specialised articles about the different types of promotions that you can get.
Online slots
Although everyone approaches the best online slots in a different way, after a while it is possible to see some pattern in the behaviour of players
The moderate slot player
It is about a style of the player which remains at the base, ambitious, but nevertheless patient. This person necessarily believes in his lucky star, but remains lucid and therefore has his feet on the ground to manage to control himself and not to go after all the slot machines that he crosses, whether in a land-based casino or on an online casino. The majority of people that fall in this category also do their research and visit places such as and to get more information about the different topics and tips about online gambling.
The lone wolf of slots
The gambler as compulsive and savage as a lone wolf is a style quite apart and different from the two styles that we are detailing today, although it is very similar to the first style, namely the determined player who absolutely wants to win either by luck or using the casino free spins bonus. The second style of slot machine player that we invite you to discover today can indeed be likened to a lone wolf. If you are independent and unpredictable, disregard information about slots in sites such as and you feel that all online game publishers dread you, you have to be one of this category of players
The player who absolutely wants to win
The third and final style of slots player we invite you to experience actually swears by winning. Indeed, his ultimate goal will then be to win at all costs using all tools available (like taking advantage of the best casino offers) and he can quite demonstrate incredible perseverance which will then be foolproof to achieve it. It is important to note that knowing when to stop is actually an extremely important quality in this kind of game. All casino players should have it, but we must admit that this is not necessarily the case.
Youth vs Adults, Men Vs Women
According to data, for the year 2018, the latest report that has been published, among online casino players more than 80 percent are under 45 years of age. In other words, the vast majority of user that visit sites like are between the ages of 18 and 45. Which means that the highest prevalence of British online casino players are young people delighted by the magic of online casino and sports betting. Regarding sex, it has been determined, according to the records made in the different online casinos that operate legally in the UK, that the majority of the players are men, also with a percentage greater than 80 percent.
Best online casino usage statistics
Even when traffic to sites such as and has been increasing over the years, it also appears that people are now spending less time playing online, as recent data has shown a gradual reduction in the duration of online gaming sessions. Both on weekdays and holidays, Britons usually spend half an hour playing. PC and mobile phones are predominantly used as access devices to online gaming websites. 49% of gamers use both interchangeably, while 40% use only the PC and 7% only access mobile casino games.
The type of game that most attracts Internet users are sports betting. 77.4% are dedicated to sports in online bookmakers. It seems logical that this should be the case since sports betting is the star product of most of the new casinos UK. Regarding other forms of gambling online, 38.9% play casino games and online machines (like online craps), 24.4% play poker and 6.9% play bingo.
Regarding social status, online players are mostly in high or medium social status. Players that use the best online casinos can be classified as high status (13.6%), medium or high (49.8%) or medium-medium (26.2%).